I wouldn't want more guilt but instead better the ones they have already, Skyrim guilds were just a joke every one of them were just a shadow of what they used to be.
Say something like this for the Assassin's Guild there are three families like a mafia-style, 1 of them tries to be like the ways of the old Assassin's Guild but sense no longer around they're just going off books and hearsay doing what they think the old Guild did. 2 simple they are vampires. 3 are mostly made up of rejected members of the Fighters Guild it became too violent and were kicked out who now extort businesses for money and believe themselves to be self appointed police. Early on you play around with all three families seeing which one you mostly like and join them, then near the end you and that family conquer the other families to become the true Assassin's Guild of the game.
I'm not saying I want this to be the Assassin's Guild of the game, I just took a few minutes of just thinking what would be fun instead of justdoing a Skyrim and copy and paste every single Guild mostly.